While ACA has increased both the benefit levels and cost of student insurance plans, they may still represent the best value for your student.
- It may be the most affordable option. As we’ve seen, employers may charge additional amounts for dependents if you stay on the employer plan. Exchange plans are based on broader, more diverse groups with a higher risk factor. Student plans may be 60-70% lower in cost!*
- Because students typically are a healthier group, student plans benefit from lower deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses.
- The benefits offered under the student health plan are coordinated with the school’s Student Health Center benefits. This avoids duplication of coverage, and cost.
- Student health plans have regional and national networks to ensure access to care whether your student is at home or away at school.
- Student health plans are ACA compliant and qualify for the federally mandated coverage requirement.
- Student health plans include ancillary benefits designed specifically to support your student such are 24/7 telephonic access to a registered nurse and global emergency medical services when your student is 100 miles away from home or campus.
*Comparison data from 2013 Employer Health Benefits Survey, Kaiser Family Foundation