Enroll Now-Health Insurance
Welcome to the Student & Dependent Enrollment Center! Here you will find all the necessary tools to enroll in an East Tennesse State University policy.
The plan’s benefits can be found in the certificate within the Schedule of Benefits section with the exclusions towards the back.
2020 – 2021 Enrollment Information
View the policy CERTIFICATE
International students or other persons with a current passport
who: 1) are engaged in educational activities; 2) are temporarily
located outside his/her home country as a non-resident alien; 3)
have not obtained permanent residency status in the U.S.; and
4) are enrolled in an associate, bachelor, master or Ph.D.
degree program at a university or other educational institution,
with no less than 6 credit hours (unless such school’s full-time
status requires less); Visiting Scholars, Optional Practical
Training Students and formal English as a Second Language
program students with an F1 or J1 visa are eligible to enroll in
this insurance Plan. The six credit hour requirement is waived
for Summer if the applicant was enrolled in this plan as a fulltime
student in the immediately preceding Spring term.
Students must actively attend classes for at least the first 31
days after the date for which coverage is purchased with the
exception of International Visiting Scholars or those engaged in
an Optional Practical Training Program. Home study,
correspondence and online courses do not fulfill the Eligibility
requirements that the student actively attend classes.
Eligible students who do enroll may also insure their
Dependents. Eligible Dependents are the student’s legal spouse
and dependent children under 26 years of age.
U.S. citizens are not eligible for coverage as a student or a
If you have any questions about the enrollment process, please call 1-888-251-6253 or CONTACT US
We are always happy to help in any way.