Our Partner in Good Health

Travel Assistance, Evacuation & Repatriation

Global Emergency Services are included in your Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan.

Enrollment in a UnitedHealthcare StudentResources health insurance policy may include access to global emergency services. This program provides immediate access to doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and certain other services when faced with a travel or medical emergency while traveling. Services are available when traveling 100 miles or more from your permanent residence of abroad.

Note on Frontier MedEx name change to UnitedHealthcare Global

2016-2017 School Year

2016 – 2017 School Year

Travel Assistance, Evacuation & Repatriation

Welcome to the Travel Assistance Center! As a UnitedHealthcare member you are eligible for global emergency and medical assistance services provided by UnitedHealthcare Global. These benefits are available if you are traveling 100 miles or more from your permanent home, campus address, or while you are abroad. These services are accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

Sometimes while traveling you may feel “if it can go wrong, it will go wrong with me”. With this service, you have a caring partner to provide peace of mind for all issues that may occur while traveling.  UnitedHealthcare Global is committed to resolve emergencies by doing whatever it takes…their goal is to save lives and solve problems!

One phone call to UnitedHealthcare Global connects you to:

  • A state-of-the-art Emergency Response Center with worldwide response capabilities,
  • Experienced crisis management professionals,
  • A global network of over 41,000 pre-qualified medical providers, and
  • Air and ground ambulance service providers.

To learn more about this valuable benefit, review the UHCG PROGRAM GUIDE.

There are many services provided by this program, below is just a sample of what is offered:

Worldwide Medical and Dental Referrals

We will provide referrals to help you locate appropriate treatment and quality care.

Facilitation of Hospital Admittance Payments

We will issue a prompt financial guarantee (or wire funds) up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) to facilitate admittance to a foreign (non-US) medical facility. To the extent additional funds are required; we will issue a prompt financial guarantee (or wire funds) to facilitate admittance upon securing such funds from you, your family, or your friends via wire transfer or credit card(s). You are ultimately responsible for the payment of the cost of medical care and treatment, including hospital expenses.

Dispatch of Doctors/Specialists

In an emergency where we determine that you cannot adequately be assessed by telephone for possible evacuation from your initial medical facility, or you cannot be moved and local treatment is unavailable, we will endeavor to send an appropriate medical practitioner to you when we deem it appropriate for medical management of a case. We will pay for the transportation and related expenses of the medical practitioner. You are responsible for the payment of the cost of medical care and treatment.

Transfer of Medical Records

Upon your consent, we will assist with the transfer of medical information and records to you or the treating physician.

Updates to Family, Employer, and Home Physician

With your approval, we will provide periodic case updates to appropriate individuals you designate in order to keep them informed.

Hotel Arrangements for Convalescence

We will assist you with the arrangement of hotel stays and room requirements before or after hospitalization for ongoing care. You are responsible for costs of lodging and incidental expenses.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

If you sustain an injury or illness, that in the opinion of UnitedHealthcare Global and the treating healthcare provider, requires urgent medical attention and adequate medical treatment is not available at your initial medical facility, we will arrange and pay for a medically supervised evacuation to the nearest medical facility we determine to be capable of providing appropriate medical treatment. Your medical condition and situation must be such that, in the professional opinion of the health care provider and UnitedHealthcare Global, you require immediate emergency medical treatment, without which there would be a significant risk of death or serious impairment. All such arrangements must be coordinated and approved in advance by us.

Transportation to Join a Hospitalized Participant

If you are traveling alone and are or will be hospitalized for more than three (3) days due to an illness or injury, we will coordinate and pay for economy round-trip airfare for a person of your choice to join you. We will also assist with the arrangement of their hotel stay during your hospitalization. Costs of lodging, meals, and incidental expenses are the responsibility of the traveler.

Return of Minor Children

If your minor child(ren) age 18 or under are present but left unattended as a result of your injury or illness, we will coordinate and pay for one-way economy airfare (or upgraded transportation to match your originally booked travel) to send them back to your home country. We will also arrange and pay for the services, transportation expenses, and required accommodations of a non-medical escort, if required and as determined by UnitedHealthcare Global.

Repatriation of Mortal Remains

In the event of your death, we will assist in obtaining the necessary clearances for your cremation or the return of your mortal remains. We will coordinate and pay for commercially reasonable efforts for the expenses of the preparation and transportation of your mortal remains to your home country or place of primary residence, as well as obtain and pay for the number of certified death certificates required by the Host Country and home country to release and receive the remains.

Replacement of Lost or Stolen Travel Documents

We will assist you in taking the necessary steps to replace passports, tickets, and other important travel documents.

Transfer of Funds

We will provide you with an emergency cash advance subject to us first securing funds from you or your family. You are responsible for any fees for the wiring of these funds.

Legal Referrals

Should you require legal assistance, we will direct you to an attorney.

Message Transmittals

You may send and receive emergency messages toll-free, 24-hours a day, through our Emergency Response Center.

IMPORTANT: Insureds must call UnitedHealthcare Global first in order to activate this benefit. UnitedHealthcare Global does not reimburse monies spent for services not dispatched and rendered by UnitedHealthcare Global.

To access services please call:

(800) 527-0218 Toll-free within the United States

(410) 453-6330 Collect outside the United States

Services are also accessible via e-mail at operations@unitedhealthcareglobal.com.

When calling the UnitedHealthcare Global Operations Center, please be prepared to provide:

  1. Caller’s name, telephone and (if possible) fax number, and relationship to the patient;
  2. Patient’s name, age, sex, and UnitedHealthcare Global ID Number as listed on your Medical ID Card;
  3. Description of the patient’s condition;
  4. Name, location, and telephone number of hospital, if applicable;
  5. Name and telephone number of the attending physician; and
  6. Information of where the physician can be immediately reached

UnitedHealthcare Global is not travel or medical insurance but a service provider for emergency medical assistance services. All medical costs incurred should be submitted to your health plan and are subject to the policy limits of your health coverage. All assistance services must be arranged and provided byUnitedHealthcare Global. Claims for reimbursement of services not provided by UnitedHealthcare Global will not be accepted.

Pack us in your suitcase and leave the worries to us!