Our Partner in Good Health

Waive Your School's Insurance

Welcome to the Waive Your School’s Insurance Center!

This page is for those students who wish to opt-out (waive) out of the coverage under their school’s student insurance plan. The school’s student insurance plan can only be waived if the student has coverage under another acceptable insurance plan.

The first step to waive out of your school’s student insurance coverage is to verify that you are an eligible student.

2015-2016 Waiver Information

Hard Waiver Student Eligibility

    • Full-time (enrolled in 1 or more credit hours)
    • Part-time (enrolled in 1 or more credit hours)
    • International Student (enrolled in 1 or more credit hours)

Are required to purchase this plan unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished. Hard waiver students are required to have health insurance to attend Paul Quinn College, both to protect against unexpected high medical costs and provide access to quality care.

You must enroll or waive the school-sponsored insurance plan each academic year. It is important for you to make an informed health assessment each year. Make sure you are not left without appropriate health coverage – it could hinder your academic progress.

Important: If you waive coverage by providing your health insurance information prior to the waiver deadline, the charge for Student Health Insurance will be refunded to your student account. If you do not enroll or waive the insurance by the waiver deadline, you will be billed for and automatically enrolled into the College sponsored plan. If you do not enroll for or waive coverage by the designated deadline, you will be considered non-compliant. Once you are enrolled there are no cancellations or refunds. (Automatic enrollment will occur AFTER the waiver deadline.)


Please Note:  If you waive the insurance you will not be eligible to enroll until the following school year unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event.

Hard Waiver Student Waiver Instructions

Waiver Deadlines:

    • Annual Waiver Deadline: 8/25/15
    • Spring/Summer Waiver Deadline: 2/3/16 (New Incoming Students Only)

To complete the Enrollment or the Waiver process please go to the business office located in Adams 2XX and complete the Student Health Services Enrollment/Waiver form. If waiving the school plan, proof of other coverage must be provided.  

After you verify that you are a hard waiver student and have other insurance you will need:

  • Your current health insurance plan ID card,
  • Your health insurance brochure or plan description (or you might want mom & dad’s phone number handy to help answer some of the waiver questions). There might be a few questions about your current plan.

Please Note:  If you waive the insurance, you will not be eligible to enroll until the following school year, unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event.

Open Enrollment Periods

Open Enrollment Periods for all Dependents and Students: If you have eligible dependents in the Fall or are a student in the Fall semester and eligible to purchase coverage and you choose not to enroll for coverage before the Annual Enrollment Deadline of *August 25, 2015, you or your dependents will not be eligible to enroll again until the start of next Fall unless you experience a “Qualifying Life Event” during the year.

*For new dependents or new or renewing students in the Spring semester, your open enrollment deadline is February 3, 2016.

Qualifying Life Event

If you did not enroll during your open enrollment period and have since lost coverage under your original plan, you may qualify for a Qualifying Life Event upon providing proof of involuntary loss of coverage and payment within 30 days of losing coverage. (example: marriage, divorce, loss of job, etc) The enrollment form, check or money order, and the letter of creditable coverage must be received within 30 days of losing coverage.After 30 days the student will no longer be eligible to enroll in the plan until Fall of the following school year.

Please CONTACT US for cost and enrollment information as a Qualifying Life Event.


If you have any questions about the waiver process, please call 800-505-4160 or CONTACT US

We are always happy to help in any way.

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