Full-Time Degree Seeking Students & Exchange Students
Welcome to the Student & Dependent Enrollment Center! Here you will find all the necessary tools to enroll in your school sponsored policy.
We suggest you review the brochure for your rates, effective dates before starting the enrollment process. The plan’s benefits can be found in the brochure within the Schedule of Benefits section with the exclusions towards the back.
2017-2018 Enrollment Information
View your school’s BROCHURE
- Student Eligibility
- Full-Time Degree Seeking Student & Exchange Student/Dependent Enrollment Instructions
- Qualifying Life Event
International students or other persons with a current passport who: 1) are engaged in educational activities; 2) are temporarily located outside his/her home country as a non-resident alien; 3) have not obtained permanent residency status in the U.S.; and 4) are enrolled in an associate, bachelor, master or Ph.D. degree program at a university or other educational institution, with no less than 6 credit hours (unless such school’s full-time status requires less); Visiting Scholars, Optional Practical Training Students and formal English as a Second Language program students with an F-1 or J1 visa are required to purchase this Plan unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished.
Eligible students who do enroll may also insure their Dependents. Eligible Dependents are the student’s legal spouse and dependent children under 26 years of age.
U.S. citizens are not eligible for coverage as a student or a Dependent.
Begin the enrollment process by following the instructions below
Full-Time Degree Seeking Student & Exchange Student/Dependent Enrollment Instructions
- Annual/Fall Enrollment Deadline: 9/6/17
- *Spring Enrollment Deadline: 1/31/18
- *Summer Enrollment Deadline: 6/30/18
Open Enrollment Periods for all Dependents and Students: If you have eligible Dependents in the Fall or, are a student in the fall and eligible to purchase coverage and you choose not to enroll for coverage before the Annual/Fall Enrollment Deadline your Dependents or you, will not be eligible to enroll again until the start of the next fall unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event during the year
*Spring and summer enrollment periods are for new incoming and renewing students and their dependents only.
Please be sure to select I AGREE when you are asked if you wish to share your Insurance Information with your school in order for your school to verify if you are in compliance with their Insurance Requirements.
Students who did not enroll themselves or their dependent(s) during the open enrollment period may be able to enroll in the policy if they experience a Qualifying Life Event.
Qualifying Life Events include:
- Acquiring a new family member
- Marriage/Civil Union
- Divorce
- Loss or change of Job
- Expiration of Benefits
If you and/or your dependents meet the requirements for a Qualifying Life Event, you will need to provide the following:
- Proof of qualifying life event/proof of involuntary loss of coverage
- Enrollment Form
- Payment
All documents and payment must be received within 30 days of the qualifying life event. After 30 days, the student or dependents will no longer be eligible to enroll in the plan, until fall of the following school year.
Please Contact Us for cost and enrollment information as a Qualifying Life Event.
If you have any questions about the enrollment process, please call 1-877-738-5787 or CONTACT US
We are always happy to help in any way.